Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Television Box

OK YOU GUYS SO GUess what there has been some important stuff happening and I am going to report it to you. This is what is Happening

The humans got a new TV box thing that makes more TV channels live here. That is the best thing to pretty much ever happen besides when I found out that there is pie that tastes like bananas. Oh wait and also when I found out about how some kinds of fish LIGHT UP!!!

I want to make my own TV show do you think it will go on the new TV box if I like write some Computer Mail to the TV box. I do not know if it is like a Computer Box but probably it is smart too and can make stuff happen like make up new TV shows because honest who else would be thinking up this kind of stuff that is on TV. You guys I saw one show that just shows words in some other people language and plays stupid music. THERE ARE NO PICTURES OR ANYTHING. Nobody could really think that is a good idea for a TV show so obviously I have to get some Great Ideas and make them happen.

Here is the first show I am thinking that I should do. I will be in the show (DUH) and it will be about me OK but I am actually a monster from Outer Space. I have a thing where I like to make extra eyeballs pop out of me to scare people and so it is just like one human is talking like Oh hello there look at this awesome space monster, he is more handsome than most other space monsters I have seen, and then all of the sudden PLOORP!!!! An extra eyeball grows out of my face. The human falls over and hurts himself and then some other humans hold up signs about how he gets a number of like 3.2 and then they laugh about how he hurt himself.

Most of the funny human TV shows are about hurting themself by accident which is always funny and they make these awesome noises like BLOOIINKK and a human gets hit in the head with a base-ball or falls down.

OK and here is a totally completely different TV show I can make, it is a very Serious show. I am a doctor in this show but when I am done doing doctor stuff then I am a lawyer and then later on I am a police man. So i do all of those things real awesome and sometimes I also get a big water thingie and make fires go away. And there is lots of parts where everything goes real slow and I look way cool and I have sunglasses or I am like walking to a place kind of slow and music is playing and mainly I look cool is the important part. Oh and the other very important part is that I put on a different special hat every time I do a different job. But oh man one time I have the wrong hat! it is a Doctor Hat, but there is a fire! That is not the right hat! LOUD SOUNDS!! What will I do. I guess you will have to watch that show to find out, dummy.