Monday, October 18, 2010

Special message to my AUNT SANDI

GUys this is a real special post to my Aunt Sandi so if you are not my Aunt Sandi then you might not want to read this post. Or you can read it I guess but you might be kind of a dumb person for reading a post that says it is for my Aunt Sandi and you are not really my Aunt Sandi. Unless you are a spy and just pRETENDING to be my Aunt Sandi and in that case I guess you are not dumb but actually pretty smart because that is something you would do if you were pretending to be somebody. You would make a big point of reading stuff that is for that person and be all like "OH THIS MUST BE FOR ME BECAUSE I AM THE REAL AUNT SANDI."

UMMmmmmm oh yes. ANYWAY.

Dear Aunt Sandi.

Can you please tell me how to grow some eyebrows.  I know you are good at stuff like painting and making human stuff. Can you please help me because I really want to have some eyebrows I can use for being the following things.


Not too sure of something but I feel like it might be wrong and I am thinking the person is dumb for suggesting it
Uni-Brow (don't know what this is good for but it would be funny)

See, Aunt Sandi? I need some eyebrows to be those things. People on TV have eyebrows. I guess because I have lots of fur I might have eyebrows underneath it someplace. Humans have eyebrows on their ugly bald faces so maybe you can help me figure out how to get some.


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